Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom and Baby
Breastfeeding has many benefits for you and your baby. Understanding the benefits of breastfeeding can help you decide if breastfeeding is the right choice for you and your family.
Benefits of breastfeeding for your baby:
Breast milk contains essential vitamins and nutrients that are important for your baby’s growth and development, especially brain growth and development. Breastfeeding also strengthens your baby’s immune systems by passing the mother’s antibodies through breastmilk and can lower your baby’s risk for certain infections and diseases during childhood as well as protective long-term health benefits such as:
Childhood obesity
Gastrointestinal infections (diarrhea/vomiting)
Ear infections
Respiratory infections (pneumonia, RSV, whooping cough)
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
Adult obesity and Type II Diabetes
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends to breast feed your baby exclusively for the first 6 months of life and supports continued breastfeeding until two years or longer if desired by both mother and baby. Studies have shown that breast-fed babies have a lower risk of severe illness and when they get sick, symptoms tend to be less severe and shorter in duration, requiring less doctor visits. The benefits continue for as long as a baby is breastfed.
Breastmilk also promotes healthy and adequate weight gain. Breastmilk is unique in that its composition changes with the evolving needs of your growing baby. Breastfeeding also promotes mother-baby bonding and is very soothing to baby which builds love and trust.
Benefits of breastfeeding for you:
Breastfeeding is also beneficial for you as well. Just like breastmilk is made specific to baby’s needs, breastfeeding is designed specifically to support the mother’s recovery during postpartum. Oxytocin is the hormone that stimulates contractions during labor and delivery and lactation for breastfeeding. When this hormone is released during breastfeeding, it helps your uterus contract back to pre-pregnancy size, minimize postpartum bleeding, and sends chemical signals to your brain that build a physical and emotional connection with your baby. Some experts refer to this hormone as the love drug as higher levels are seen during hugging and intercourse and has been shown to lower a mother’s risk of postpartum depression. The benefits of breastfeeding can carry on throughout your life as it reduces the risk of:
Breast, Uterine, and Ovarian Cancer
High blood pressure
Type II Diabetes
Weight loss
Postpartum Depression
Aside from the health benefits of breastfeeding, there are also the added benefits of convenience and zero cost. You can breastfeed your baby anywhere at any time and it’s always ready to be served and does not require additional tools or equipment. It is also the right price, free!
If you’re seeking personalized support on your breastfeeding journey, Maternal by Sentido is here to help! With your order of a breast pump, Maternal by Sentido provides complimentary lactation support. Our experienced and dedicated lactation consultants provide the guidance you need, and our range of breast pumps—covered by most insurances—ensures that you have the support you need with minimal out-of-pocket costs. Reap the benefits of breastfeeding and feel confident that you're making the best choice for both you and your baby!